Stardust in Cedar Forest

By Ghina Fawaz

Stardust in Cedar Forest: Suicide Prevention through Interactive Theatre aimed to evaluate the impact of interactive theatre as a form of suicide prevention for college students. This research was used to write the show Stardust in Cedar Forest. Participants were called to help the character ‘Lost’ leave the Cedar Forest –a dark mental landscape where people go to commit suicide. Throughout the show, audience members learned how to support ‘Lost’ and by using the guide RAIN (Recognize, Acknowledge, Investigate, and Nurture). The study found that the interactive show had a positive impact as a form of suicide prevention and that participants demonstrated improved knowledge of suicide prevention techniques and their confidence to intervene, significantly increased following the performance. 

Kay Brazzell (Lost), Riley Steege (Burden/Mattering), Avery Anger (Depression/Light), Anecia Inbournone (Hopelessness), and Ghina Fawaz (Guide)

This production was performed in the Archibald Granville Bush Science Center at Rollins College in April 2022 as part of the Honors Thesis Program.