The Pillowman
By Martin McDonagh
The Pillowman tells the tale of Katurian, a fiction writer living in a police state, who is interrogated about the gruesome content of his short stories and their similarities to a number of bizarre child murders occurring in his town. Fairytales and reality collide, revealing the characters to be intricate stained glass works of art.
With: Kay Brazzell (Katurian), Marina Russell (Tupolski), Leon Shields (Ariel), Ty Matthews (Michal), Lorenzo Naimoli (Father/Musician), Laura Powalisz (Mother/Musician), Margaret Stewart (Little Jesus & Green Girl/Musician), Cody Matthewson (Little Boy/Musician), Charlotte Corporan (Piano/Understudy), Kate Clark (Guitar/Understudy)
Production Stage Manager | Tiara Ashurst
Composer | Laura Powalisz
Dramaturg | Margaret Stewart
Set Designer | Ghina Fawaz
Fight Choreographer I Marina Russell
Lighting Designer | Ryan Rawoof
Costume Designer | Jamie Bryant and Sophia Gil
Sound Designer | Gray Lefkowitz
Props Master I Seaneka Collie
Makeup Designer | Riley Steege
Lights Operator I Autumn Wetsel
Crew Members I Joe Lionetti, Ryan Rawoof
Musicians | Laura Powalisz, Cody Mathewson, Margaret Stewart, Lorenzo Naimoli
Production Photography by Ghina Fawaz
This production was performed at The Lyman Theater at Rollins College in April 2022